You know how it goes. You’ve done the dishes, invented something cool, saved the world - and nobody pays you the slightest compliment.
That’s about to change.
The Compliments Office has taken it upon itself to shine a light on its visitors’ accomplishments, giving them the recognition they so richly deserve.
Exploring the agency in search of personalized adulation, the onlooker is constantly ambushed by quirky characters appearing at the windows, asking tricky questions, telling confusing stories and requiring tiny forfeits.
Our applied recognition experts won't get a minute’s rest until everyone has been patted on the shoulder, had their egos refurbished and been sent home, happy and entertained.

A tour of the Compliments Office takes approximately 25 minutes and is intended for 3 to 6 visitors at a time.
During the tour, we recommend parents accompany small children.
Total performance time: from 2 to 5 hours.
Director: Esther Steinbrecher
Performance, props and idea: Claudia Engel and Matthias Ludwig
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flunker produktionen, Wahlsdorf 35, Anbau Schloß, 15936 Dahme/Mark, Tel: 01 73 / 3 68 98 63; email: